General terms and conditions

Al dealings with cvba Metis Advocaten are subject to these terms and conditions.

Specific terms and conditions can be agreed with the client.


Metis Advocaten is BV Metis Advocaten, with principal place of business at the Mechelsesteenweg 271, 2018 Antwerpen, KBO : 0473.631.204.

Mr. Cathérine Lannoy (KBO 0873.324.058), and Mr. Dirk Wuyts (KBO 0525.879.560) 0474.642.180) are independent to Metis Advocaten, and are of counsel.


The partners of BV Metis Advocaten are : Mr. Stéphane Van Moorleghem, Mr. John Maes and Mr. Joëlle Vandenbulck.

The liability of the company and the lawyer dealing with the case is limited to the amounts for which cover is provided by the professional liability insurer.

The lawyers working with Metis Advocaten are insured as follows :

Stéphane Van Moorleghem : to a maximum amount of € 17.500.000
John Maes : to a maximum amount of € 17.500.000
Joëlle Vandenbulck : to a maximum amount of € 17.500.000
Dirk Wuyts : to a maximum amount of € 2.500.000
Cathérine Lannoy : to a maximum amount of € 2.500.000
Hannah De Jonge : to a maximum amount of € 2.500.000
Annick De Boeck : to a maximum amount of € 2.500.000
Iwein Moorkens : to a maximum amount of € 2.500.000
Frieke Theeuws : to a maximum amount of € 2.500.000
Lieve Loodts : to a maximum amount of € 2.500.000
Henri Berkmoes : to a maximum amount of € 2.500.000
Katrin Meerts : to a maximum amount of € 2.500.000
Mano Minten : to a maximum amount of € 2.500.000

The insurances were placed with the following companies:

First rank : Amlin Europe NV, Koning Albert II-laan 9, 1210 Brussel,
Second ranks : AG Insurance NV, E. Jacqmainlaan 53, 1000 Brussel


Zurich Insurance plc, Belgium Branch, Avenue Lloyd Georgelaan 7, 1000 Brussel


KBC Verzekeringen, Prof. R. Van Overstraetenplein 2, 3000 Leuven

Third rank : HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung, Tervurenlaan 273/1, 1150 Brussel

via het makelaarskantoor J. Van Breda.

If the insurers do not provide cover, the liability of Metis Advocaten and the instructed lawyer is limited to a maximum of € 25.000.

  1. Fees and disbursements

As a general rule fees are charged per hour.

If the result achieved by the lawyer is favorable a success fee can be charged.

The hourly rate as a rule for partners is € 250 to € 450  (excl. VAT), except for disbursements (such as bailiff costs, court costs and special courier services), unless a higher rate was agreed.

For associates an hourly rate of € 175 (exl. VAT) is charged, for trainee lawyers € 150 per hour (excl. VAT), unless a higher rate was agreed.

Where necessary VAT is added to the hourly tariff.

Higher or lower rates can be agreed depending on the nature of the matter. This is determined by the value and urgency of the case and the competence and experience of the handling attorney.

Fees can also be a percentage of the amount of the principal claim which was recovered or avoided, irrespective whether the client is a claimant or a defendant.

These percentages per instance are as follows:

From 0 to 6.200 euro: 15 %
From 6.200 to 49.500 euro: 10 %
From 49.500 to 124.000 euro: 8 %
From 124.000 to 248.000 euro: 6 %
More than 248.000 euro: 4 %

The client will be informed in advance if the fees are determined by a percentage.

Generally, the payment of a provision is requested at the start of the case, and thereafter each time the provision is no longer sufficient to cover the provided services.


If a client has complaints with regard to the services provided by Metis Advocaten he or she can contact:

Mr. Stéphane Van Moorleghem (T: 03/289.10.02 – F: – E: svm@metisadvocaten.be),


the Dean of the Bar Association of Antwerp, Bolivarplaats 20, 2000 Antwerpen, (T : 03/260.72.50 – F : 03/260.72.71 – E: info@balieantwerpen.be)


the Ombudsdienst Consumentengeschillen Advocatuur – www.ligeca.beoca@ligeca.be

If the complaint concerns Mr. Stéphane Van Moorleghem, the client can contact Mr. John Maes (T: 03/289.10.02 – F: – E: jm@metisadvocaten.be).