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As from 1st September 2020 the new Belgian Maritime Code applies

The New Maritime Code initially intended to replace the Maritime Code which applied since 1879, but during 150 years was hardly amended.

A modernisation imposed itself.

The new Maritime Code however became much more than merely a modernisation of the old Maritime Code.

The new code covers nearly all aspects (private and public law) of sea- and inland navigation and practically all domains are covered.

The code took more than 10 years to prepare and was preceded by a broad consultation of the whole shipping industry.

In the scope of this short notification it is absolutely not possible to go into the content of this new legislation.

A particular striking feature which the legislator imposed is that the new legislation is intended to be creditor friendly, which means that it intends to protect the interest of the users of the services offered by carriers.

Said otherwise, the new Code favours the cargo.

1 september 2020